2023 Summer Leagues start April 11th

It’s almost time for summer leagues!

We’ve made a number of changes to leagues this year, which you may be aware of from your captains or emails you’ve received from the club.

The purpose of the changes is to make the leagues fun and competitive.

We’ve shortened the elapsed time for the leagues by more than four weeks, and we’ve cut the trap and skeet leagues back from 18 to 16 weeks.

We’ve also broken the leagues into two segments, first half and second half, and we’ll have payouts for both segments plus the shoot-offs.

The two-week practice period at the beginning of the season has been eliminated, and we’ve cut the shoot-offs back from two weeks to one week. The Saturday of the final weekend will be the President’s Shoot, and that Sunday will be the completion of leagues and the league banquet.

The Team Sponsor Fee has been eliminated and replaced by an individual shooter League Fee of $20 per shooter per league. This will assure that all shooters pay the same amount for the League Fee and will also increase the amount of money available for door prizes and payoffs.

All the changes, as well as the league schedule, the league rules, and the league shoot-offs and awards, are available here.

To get started, stop in at the club and pay your League Fee, and, if necessary, renew your membership, and make sure your captain gets your scorebook started.

See you at the club!