Membership – Junior (Through age 17, or 18 if in high school)


SKU: MBR-JR Category:


We invite you to join the South St. Paul Rod & Gun Club and participate in our shooting discounts, leagues, and special members-only shoots such as our annual President’s Day Shoot.  Members enjoy special pricing on shooting fees, and on shotgun shells and reloading supplies that are ordered at the Club’s annual spring reloading sale; and you must be a member to join a league at the Club.

Memberships are renewable annually on the date you join or last renewed. and provisional until approved by the Board of Directors.

Print your receipt and bring it to the Club, where you will you receive your membership card upon completing a Membership Form, signing a Responsibility and Waiver of Liability Agreement, and agreeing to abide by the Club Rules. To expedite the process, print and complete the Membership Form and bring it with you to the Club.

To download the Membership Form, including the Responsibility and Waiver of Liability Agreement, and the Club Rules, click here.